Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sweetheart Crop - February 7th

Make a plan to work on your scrapbooks either digital or traditional.  Attend my Sweetheart Crop on Saturday, February 7th from 6:00pm - midnight; my house.  Light snacks will be served and lots of fun & laughter for all.  Wear your favorite Valentine's shirt!  Contact me for address. Cost will be $5.  Check out my website for new products! or the Panstoria links on the right of this blog.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tips for a Positive 2015

I loved these 20 tips.  I would add my personal top 5 tips:
  1. Plan once a month to organize your pictures from that month.
  2. Make time to complete your albums.
  3. Plan 3 meals a week with your family.
  4. Use all natural spices and foods while cooking.
  5. Spend more time with my husband.
Here's to a very HAPPY 2015!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Meet my Family!

Meet my wonderful family.  I love being a mom to three boys and married to my great husband for almost 24 years!  Life is busy and full of love and laughter.

My first blog!

Welcome to my blogspot!  I have decided that I needed a place to put my scrapbooking ideas and yummy recipes.  Click on my links below to check out all of the products and services I offer as a Panstoria Affiliate, Creative Memories Advisor, and Your Inspiration at Home Consultant.  I offer scrapbooking services, weekend scrapping retreats, tasting parties and digital scrapbooking training.  Let me know how I can help.
Creative Memories
Panstoria Affiliate
YIAH Spices
Facebook YIAH Page
Pinterest YIAH Recipes